Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 4 SD Ulangan Kenaikan Kelas Tahun 2013


                                      Mata Pelajaran                   :        Bahasa Inggris
                                      Kelas                                  :        IV (empat)
                                      Hari Tanggal                      :        ……………………..
                                      Waktu                                :        09.30 – 11.00 WIB


Petunjuk Umum:
1.      Tulislah namamu di sudut kanan atas!
2.      Bacalah setiap pertanyaan dengan seksama!
3.      Kerjakan lebih dahulu soal yang kamu anggap lebih mudah!
4.      Telitilah kembali jawabanmu sebelum kamu serahkan kepada Bapak/Ibu Guru!

I.                   Choose the correct answer by crossing a, b, c, or d!
1.             This is Mr. Handoko.
He is my ….
a.         mother
b.        father
c.         sister
d.        aunt

2.             I am Joko. Mrs. Handoko is my ….
a.         sister
b.        brother
c.         father
d.        mother

3.       Susi is Rudi’s ….                                          
a.         sister                                                                                        
b.        brother
c.         uncle
d.        aunt

4.             Susilo       :      Who is this man?
Banu        :      … is my father.
a.       it
b.      she
c.       he
d.      they

5.             Amir        :      Who is that boy?
Budi         :      He is my ….
a.         brother
b.        sister
c.         father
d.        mother
6.             Who … your mother?
My mother is Melisa.
a.       did
b.      is
c.       am
d.      are
7.             Mr. Joni and Mrs Joni are husband and ….
a.       wife
b.      mother
c.       father
d.      brother

For question number 8 until 13!

Mrs. Teguh
Mr. Teguh

Mrs. Handoko
Mr. Susilo
Mrs. Susilo
Mr. Handoko


8.             I am Mr. Handoko.
Tomi is my ….
a.       sister
b.      brother
c.       dougther
d.      son
9.             Hallo, I am Mr. Teguh. Mrs. Teguh is my ….
a.       uncle
b.      sister
c.       father
d.      wife
10.         Windi is Jeri’s….
a.       mother
b.      father
c.       sister
d.      brother

11.         … is Mr. Teguh?
He is Tomi’s grandfather.
a.       What
b.      Who
c.       Where
d.      When
12.         Who is Sasa’s brother?
Sasa’s brother is ….
a.       Handoko
b.      Susilo
c.       Tomi
d.      Jeri
13.         I am Jeri. My father is ….
a.       Mr. Teguh
b.      Mr. Handoko
c.       Mr. Susilo
d.      Mr. Tomi

14.         That is your ….
a.         ball
b.        mask
c.         doll
d.        yoyo

15.          They are playing ….
e.         ches
f.         Foot ball
g.        Volley ball
a.         pingpoing

16.         These are my ….
a.       doll
b.      toy gun
c.       toy car
d.      marbel’s
17.         Linda likes ….
a.         yoyo
b.        doll
c.         marbell
d.        toy car
18.          They go to the yard to play ….
a.       football
b.      basket
c.       toy car
d.      kite
19.         Jak  :      Is he playing …?
Jill   :      Yes, he is
a.       kite
b.      toy gun
c.       yoyo
d.      marbell

20.         A : What are they doing?
B : They are ….
a.         swimming
b.        cycling
c.         surfing
d.        hiking
21.         I want to play ….
a.       Swing
b.      skipping
c.       cycling
d.      hiking
22.         Tono is like ….
a.         fishing
b.        cycling
c.         climbing
d.        rowing
23.         What is this?
This is my ….
a.       Toy gun
b.      Toy car
c.       doll
d.      mask

Rp. 5.000,00
How much does this colour pencil cost?
It costs … rupiahs.
a.         four thousand
b.        five thousand
c.         six thousand
d.        seven thousand


Rp. 10.000,00

How much does this toy car cost?
It costs … rupiahs.
a.       Eight thousand
b.      Nine thousand
c.       Ten thousand
d.      Eleven thousand
26.         … does this bag cost?
It costs fourty thousand rupiahs.
a.       How long
b.      How far
c.       How are
d.      How much
27.         A       :      I want to buy a toy car. Where should I go?
B       :      You should go to ….
a.       Jeweller’s
b.      Baker’s
c.       Toy shop
d.      Stationer’s

That … cost a hundred rupiahs.
a.         cup
b.        cake
c.         book
d.        candys

29.         They go to stationer to buy ….
a.       skirt
b.      ball
c.       doll
d.      ruler
30.         Dora go to the book shop to buy ….
a.       doll
b.      candy
c.       Note book
d.      shoes

31.         Galih                    :      Excuse me, Sir?
Mr. Carlo             :      Yes, what can … for you?
a.       We do
b.      I do
c.       They do
d.      You do
32.         A       :      Excuse me, Sir? How much is this pen?
B       :      … two thousand rupiahs.
a.       There are
b.      These are
c.       That are
d.      This is

33.         X       :      Excuse me, Sir? I need a note book?
Y       :      Here ….
a.       They are
b.      He is
c.       She are
d.      It is

34.         Jo        :      Excuse me, Sir?
Mr. X  :      Yes, what can I do for you?

Rp. 900,00

Jo        :      I need a pencil. How much is it?
Mr. X  :      It is … rupiahs.
a.       six hundred
b.      seven hundred
c.       eight hundred
d.      nine hundred

35.         A drawing book Rp. 3.000,-
It is ….
a.       three thousand rupiahs.
b.      four thousand rupiahs.
c.       five thousand rupiahs.
d.      six thousand rupiahs.

II.                Fill in the blanks with the suitable words!

36.         Hallo, I am Mr. Ricard.
Mrs. Ricard is my ….
37.         My parent is and mother.
38.         Tom and Susi are my children.
Susi is my ….
39.         He is Boby.
Mr. Colin is Boby’s uncle.
Mrs. Colin is Bobi’s ….
40.         That is Banu’s ….

41.         My hobby is ….

42.         We can play ... in the school yard.

43.         Let’s play ….


Rp. 50.000,-
How much is this shoes?
This is ….

45.         A pen Rp. 1.000,-
It is ….

III.         Answer these questions below!
Mrs. Smith
Mr. Smith


46.          Mention Mr. Smith’s children!
Answer :
a.       .........................................................................................................................
b.      .........................................................................................................................
c.       .........................................................................................................................
47.         Who is Lili’s brother?
Answer :
a. ………………………………………………………….
b. ………………………………………………………….
48.         Mention this toys!




49.         Mention this games!




50.         A       :      Excuse me, Sir?
B       :      Yes, what can I do for …?
A       :      I need a note book. How much does it cost?
B       :      … one thousand rupiahs.

Answer :    a. ………………………………………………………….
                   b. ………………………………………………………….

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