Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 6 SD Ulangan Kenaikan Kelas

21.    Anis goes to market on .....
a.       Sunday
b.      Monday
c.       Saturday
d.      Tuesday

22.    The situation in the market is very ........
a.       Silently
b.      Noisy
c.       Happily
d.      Crowded

23.    c-s-h-o-l-o-u-g-a-r-d
The right arrangement is ........
a.       schoolguard
b.      guardschool
c.       schoolgaurd
d.      carpenter

24.    Want - see - I - to - movie - film - the - a - in.


The right arrangement is ........
a.       I want to see a film in the movie
b.      I see want a film in the movie
c.       I want to see movie in a film
d.      I want a film to see in the movie
25.     are - playing - the yard - Udi and Alan - in.
a.       Playing the yard Udi and Alan are in
b.      Udi and Alan are the yard playing in
c.       The yard are playing Udi and Alan in
d.      Udi and Alan are playing in the yard

26.    Waiter       :   "Hello, good afternoon, may I help you?"
Customer   :  "Good afternoon. Yes, I want to order some food."
Waiter       :  "What do you want to order, Sir?"
Customer   :  "I want a plate of fried rice and fried chicken."
Waiter       :  "Wait minute, Sir."
Customer   :  "Sure."

The conversation above take place in the ........
a.       Hospital
b.      Restaurant
c.       Market
d.      Zoo

The text for number 27 – 30
  Mount Tangkuban Perahu is one of tourism object in West Java. It situated at Lembang. It is at northern part of Bandung. A lot of people from various part of world come to see it, because it has a history, it is a Sangkuriang legend.
          To arrive at mount Tangkuban Perahu, we have to drive up along the road of hilly area, we can see a wide tea plantation. At the top, we can see beautiful scenery, and we can see the hills with its green slopes. It has three craters which continuously produced smoke.
          There are bungalows, and tourism object can be found easily there. Such as Ciater hot water and Maribaya water fall.

27.    What is the suitable of the text above?
a.       Ciater hot spring
b.      Legend of Sangkuriang
c.       Maribaya water fall
d.      Tangkuban Prabu

28.    Mount Tangkuban Prahu is situated at .....
a.       Bandung
b.      Lembang
c.       Subang
d.      Yogyakarta

29.    In the Tangkuban Perahu mountain, we can see .....
a.       Ciater, hill, top, and valley
b.      Ciater hot spring
c.       Water fall
d.      Flower garden

30.    The legend of Tangkuban Prahu is history of .....
a.       Lutung Kasarung
b.      Sangkuriang
c.       Bawang putih
d.      Kancil

31.    1. Doctors and nurses working here
2. There are motuary, emergency room, an ambulance, and nursing room
3. An ambulance used to bring sick people to the hospital
4. This is a hospital
Arrange these sentences correctly .....
a.       4,1,2,3
b.      2,4,3,1
c.       1,2,3,4
d.      4,2,3,1

32.    Tina       :    “Where does your mother work?”
Mrih      :    “My mother work at hospital”
Tina       :    “Is he a doctor?
Mrih      :    “ ….. She is a nurse
a.       Yes, she is
b.      Yes, he is
c.       No, she isn’t
d.      No, she is

33.    Mother     :    “Iman, look at your bedroom”. Can you clean it?
Iman         :    “Sorry mom, It is Holiday. I will sleep for a day”
According this dialogue, Iman is very ….
a.       Diligent
b.      Poor
c.       Lazy
d.      Naughty

Text for number 34 & 35

To the Beach
        Last Sunday, Mr. Surip and his students went to the beach. They went to Pangandaran beach, in Ciamis Regency. They went to Pangandaran by bus. On the way they were happy. They sang together.
        In Pangandaran the sun was shinning brightly. The wind was blowing gently. The waves were running. They always broke in the sand. Some students were swimming in the shallow water. Some children were playing football in the sand. Others were sitting on the mat under the trees shadow. Mr. Surip was sitting under the coconut tree. He was watching his students. They enjoyed the beauty of the beach. At the afternoon, they went home. The students looked tired, but they were happy.

34.    X :"When Mr. Surip and his students go to Pangandaran?"
Y       : "They go to Pangandaran ........".
a.       Last Sunday
b.      Last Monday
c.       Last Tuesday
d.      Last Wednesday

35.    X : Where is Pangandaran in?"
Y : "Pangandaran is in ........"
a.       Tasikmalaya regency
b.      Bogor regency
c.       Banjar regency
d.      Ciamis regency


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