Soal Kelas 4 SD Tema FAMILY (Complete these dialogues)

1. A: Who is this man?
    B: He is my ...  (paman)

2. A: Who is that woman?


    B: She is my ... (ibu)

3. A: Who is that woman?
    B: She is my ... (bibi)

4. A: Who is this boy?
    B: He is my ... (kemenakan laki-laki)

5. A: Who is this boy?
    B: He is my ... (saudara laki-laki)

6. A: Who is this girl?
    B: She is my ... (saudara perempuan)

7. A: Who is this man?
    B: He is my ... (bapak)

8. A: Who is this girl?
    B: She is my ... (kemenakan perempuan)

9. A: Who is this man?
    B: He is my ... (kakek)

10. A: Who is this woman?
     B: She is my ... (nenek)

Read and Memorize!
(Bacalah dan hafalkan)

granfather = kakek
grandmother = nenek
grandson = cucu laki-laki
granddaughter = cucu perempuan
father = ayah
mother = ibu
uncle = paman
aunt = bibi
brother = saudara laki-laki
sister = saudara perempuan
cousin = saudara sepupu
nephew = kemenakan laki-laki
niece = kemenakan perempuan
son = anak laki-laki
daughter = anak perempuan
father in law = ayah mertua
mother in law = ibu mertua
brother in law = saudara ipar laki-laki
sister in law = saudara ipar perempuan
husband = suami
wife = istri
parents = orang tua


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