Materi Bahasa Inggris Kelas 4 SD Tema FAMILY (Keluarga) Semester 2 TA 2013/2014
Task 1
Listen to your teacher reading the text below!
(Dengarkan gurumu membacakan teks berikut!)
Hello, I am Handoko. Look is may family potograph. Mr. Hadi is my grandfather. Mrs. Sunarti is my grandmother. My father is Mr. Sunarko. He is a doctor. He works in the school. My mother is Mrs. Sarwiyati. She is a teacher. She works at school. I have four sister. They are Narsih, Restu, Saras, Atik.
Setelah guru membacakan anak disuruh menirukan, setelah selesai anak di ajak untuk mengenal keluarga mereka. Setelah mereka mengenal nama-nama keluarga mereka, selanjutnya praktekkan dan maju di depan kelas.
This is My Family!
1. saudara sepupu : cousin
2. anak perempuan : daughter
3. paman : uncle
4. nenek : grandmother
5. kemenakan laki-laki : nephew
6. istri : wife
7. anak laki-laki : son
8. saudara laki-laki : brother
9. ayah : father
10. cucu laki-laki : grandson
Task 2
Practise the dialogue below!
(Praktikkan dialog berikut!)
(Hai, Sinta! Apa yang kamu kerjakan?)
Sinta : "I am looking at the picture.
(Aku melihat foto. Siapa wanita tua itu?)
Reni : "She is my grandmother."
(Dia nenekku)
Sinta : "And who are those girls?"
(Dan siapa gadis-gadis itu?)
Reni : "Those are my sisters."
(Mereka saudara perempuanku.)
Sinta : "They look so beatiful!"
(Mereka kelihatan begitu cantik.)
Reni : "Of course they are.
Besides beatiful, they are also smart."
(Tentu saja mereka cantik. Selain cantik, mereka juga pandai.)
Jika anda masih bingung, perhatikan "Speaking Features" berikut:
A. Untuk menegaskan hubungan kekerabatan seseorang, digunakan kalimat tanya:
Is/Are + subject + your + ... ?
a. A : "Is she your sister?"
B : "Yes, she is." atau "No, she is not."
b. X : "Are they your parents?"
Y : "Yes, they are." atau No, they are not."
B. Untuk menanyakan hubungan kekerabatan, digunakan kalimat tanya:
Who + is/are + subject?
a. A : "Who is he?"
B : "He is my uncle."
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