Soal UKK 5 SD Bahasa Inggris Kunci dan Kisi-Kisi UAS II TA 2013/2014

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KELAS                            : V (LIMA)
HARI/TANGGAL          : .......................
WAKTU                         : 90 MENIT

Petunjuk Umum
a. Tulislah namamu disudut kanan atas pada lembar jawaban !
b  Bacalah setiap soal dengan seksama !
c  Kerjakan lebih dahulu soal-soal yang kamu anggap lebih mudah !
d Teliti kembali jawabanmu sebelum diserahkan kepada Bapak/I bu Guru !

I.       Choose the correct answer by erossing (x) a, b, c or d !
      (Pilihlah jawaban yang benar dengan tanda silang (x) pada huruf a, b, c atau d )

1.Rudi wear …for swimming.

            a. swimsuit                  c. sweater
            b. pyjamas                   d.kabaya
2.Below are the kinds of clothes, except...

            a  trousert                    c  pyjamas
            b  sweater                    d  necklace

3.You wear T-shirt for...
            a  camping                   c  sleeping
            b  school                      d  sport
4.Does Andi wear sport uniform for gymnastic ?

            a Yes, she does           c  No, she does not
            b Yes, he does             d  No, he does not

5.Below are the kinds of School Personel, except...

            a  Head Master            c  Teacher
            b  Head of Village      d  School guard

6.Mr. Danang  is designer of building
   His job is …

                                    a  a teacher                  c  a postman
                                    b  a carpenter               d  an architect

7.She works at library.
   She helps the student to find the books.
   Who is she ?
   She is...

            a  Teacher                    c  Librarian
            b  Head Master           d School guard
8  A: do you have any story book ?
    B: No, I …not

a.       Has                        c. Have
b.      Had                       d. Him

9  Arrange in to good sentences !

library_read_Nindi_a book_the_in

Answer :
            a Nindi read a book in the library
            b Nindi read a book the in library
            c Nindi the book read in a library
            d Nindi the in book read a library

10.The doctor to inspect…in the Hospital

            a  nurse                        c  student
            b  patient                     d  Pilot

11.                               A : Look at the picture ! Whats is that ?
                                    B : That is ...
                                    a  trousert                    c  short
                                    b  skirt                         d  T-shirt

12.A : Mr Arman works at the hospital
         Who is he ?
     B : He is...

            a  a doctor                   c  a farmer
            b  a teacher                  d  a manager

13A;”What does Mrs.Dian do ? “
    B:” She makes Clothes.”
    A:”What is she ?”
    B:” She is a …

            a farmer                       c  taylor
            b manager                    d  nurse

14. Andi : My father a chief of school
      Dona: Is he a head master, Andi ?
      Andi : Yes ...

            a  she is                        c  I am
b  he is                         d  I do

15Toni : How do you go to school, Tina ?
     Tina : I go to school by bicycle
               How abouts you ?
     Toni : I school by bus

            a gone                          c go
            b goes                          d went

16.   There are the kinds of water transportation, except...
a  ship              c  plane
b  canoe           d  boat
17.  A : “ Can I borrow this book ?”
       B : “ Yes ... can
a.       I                      c  she
b.      You                d  he

18. Arman    : “May I bring this book to my home ?”
      Librarian: “No, …may not “
            a  I                               c  she
            b  you                          d  he

19.  We need ... to cover of our body

            a  Clothes        c  tooth brush 
            b  soaps           d  bag

20.  Hello, I am Mr. Bambang
       My job is delivering letters
       Look ! This is my orange motorcycle and this is my bag. There are many letters in my bag
       I enjoy my job and I can help many people 
       Mr. Bambang is a ...

            a  Policeman                c  Postman
            b  Doctor                     d  Pedicab driver

21. Jaka’s father works in the rice field
      What’s Jaka’s father job ?

            a  soldier                      c  farmer
            b  policeman                d  doctor

22.                               Look at the picture !
                                    What is this ?

                                                a  cart              c  pedicab
                                                b  kanoe           d  raft

23.  Long days ago people just had cart, canues,horses,cows,and camels as their means
       of traditional  transportation.
       Below are the excamples of traditional transportation , except...


                        a                                              c


                        b                                              d

24.My  teacher go to school by …
            a cart                           c  motorcycle
            b pedicab                     d  bus

25.Whats ... you wear for gymnastic ?
                        a  do                            c  go
                        b does                          d  goes

26.                               Tinatun works at store book
                                    She service to customer
                                    Who is she ?
                                    She is …

                                    a shopkeeper               c nurse
                                    b policewomen            d teacher

27. I …to Surabaya by plane

            a  go                            c  do
            b  goes                         d  does

28. He …to school by Pedicab

            a  go                            c  do
            b  goes                         d  does

29. Mr. Purnomo is a chief of elementary school
      His jobs is…

            a  teacher                     c  student
            b  head master             d  doctor

30. Rina wants to borrow story book in the …

            a  teacher office          c  library
            b  canteen                    d  market

31.Rudi, Tono and Dani goes to school by bus.
      …. are students Tunas Bangsa elementary school

            a  We                           c  He
            b  They                        d  You

32. Tika, Doni and I go to school every day.
       …. are go together,.

            a  They                                    c  You
            b  We                           d  Your

33. A:” May …bring this book  at home ?”
      B:” No, you may not.”

            a  my                           c  I am
            b  I                               d  you

34. A:” Can … speaking English ?
      B:” Yes I can “

            a  you                          c  my
            b  I                               d  may

35. A:” …. Many teachers do you have in your school ?
      B:” We have nine teachers”
            a  how                         c  what
            b  who                         d  why

 Text for number 36 to 38
This is Mr. Gunawan  family.
Mr.Gunawan is a teacher.
He works at Nusantara Elementary school.
He goes to school by motorcycle every day.
His wife is Mrs. Kartika. She is nurse
Mr,Gunawan have two children. They are Danang and Dewi.
Danang is a Junior High School student and Dewi is an Elementary student
  II  Fill in the blank with correct answer ! 
      ( Isilah titik-titik dengan jawaban yang benar )

36.What is Mr.Gunawan ?
      He is a ...

37. What is Mrs. Kartika ?
      She is a ...

38. How does Mr.Gunawan go to work ?
      He goes to work by ...

39.                                           What do you wear during rainy day ?

40.                                           Mr. Hadi makes a furniture
                                                 He is ....


41.                                           My mother go to market by ...


42.                                          The students borrow storry book in the ...

43.A : “How does your brother go to school” ?
     B : “He  ...  to the school by motorcycle “

44. A : “ How do you go to Surabaya “ ?
      B : “ I ....  to Surabaya by bus “
45. Excamples
       You will go to Semarang
       How will you go to Semarang ?

      Do as excamples
      He will go to  the Hospital
      Answer : …….

III.Answer these Questions !

46.Mentions three kinds of formal clothes !
            a. .....................
            b .....................
            c .....................

47.Mentions three kinds of Traditional Transportation !
            a. ...................
            b. ...................
            c. ...................

48.Looks at the picture !

a.    .............................      b. .........................              c. .............................

49.Arrange these words in to good sentences !

            a. job – Her – is –Policewoman
            b. Jakarta-- by -- go to – I—train
            c. wear – I – sweater – haiking – for

50.Mentions three kinds thing in the library !

            a. .....................
            b. .....................

            c. ....................


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