Bahasa Inggris Kelas 5 SD Profession TA 2014/2015


Read !
1.     Teacher = guru                                        11.   Farmer = petani
2.     Policeman = polisi                                    12.   Nurse = perawat
3.     Doctor = dokter                                      13.   Pilot = pilot
4.     Driver = supir                                          14.   Engineer = insinyur
5.     Carpenter = tukang kayu                        15.   Soldier = tentara
6.     Gardener = tukang kebun                       16.   Student = siswa
7.     Fisherman = nelayan                               17.   Tailor = penjahit
8.     Secretary = sekretaris                              18.   Bricklayer = tukang bangunan
9.     Barber = tukang cukur                            19.   Postman = tukang pos
10.   Bank manager = manajer bank                20.   Mechanic = ahli mesin

Choose !
1.     She’s a …… (perawat)                           4.     She’s a ……. (guru)
2.     He’s a ……. (polisi)                                5.     He’s a …….. (tukang kayu)
3.     She’s a …… (pilot)                                 6.     He’s a …….. (petani)

Write ‘ what’s his job ‘ ( laki – laki ) or ‘ what’s her job ‘ ( perempuan )
+      : ………………. ?
-       : He’s a carpenter.
+      : ………………. ?
-       : He’s a farmer.
+      : ……………… ?
-       : He’s a policemen.
+      : ……………… ?
-       : She’s a nurse.
+      : ……………… ?
-  : She’s a teacher.


Read !
Baca !
-What’s your job ?                                          I am a student.
-What’s his job ?                                             you’re a techer.
-What’s her job ?                                             he’s a policeman.
-What are their job                                          she’s a nurse.
                                                                        They’re farmers.

1. is-he-teacher-a
2. she-doctor-a-is
3. farmer-is-a-he
4. i-a-student-am
5. a-pilot-are-you-?

Tell your friend!
Katakan pada temen-temanmu!

                My father,s a farmer.
                My mother a housewife.
                My brother’s ………….
                My sister’s ……………..

Practice the dialogue below !
Ratna       : Where does your father work ?
Sinta        : He works at the hospital.
Ratna       : Is he a nurse ?
Sinta        : No, he is not.
                  He is a doctor.
                  What does your father do ?
Ratna       : My father manages a company.
Sinta        : Is he a manager ?
Ratna       : Yes, he is.

Answer these question !
1.     What’s is Sinta’s father ?
        He is a ………
2.     Where does Sinta’s father work ?
        He work at ……..
3.     What’s is Ratna’s father ?
        He is a ………
4.     Where does Ratna’s father work ?
        He work at ………

Ask and Answer !
A     : Is your father a teacher ?
B     : No, he is not.
A     : What is your father ?
B     : He is a headmaster.

Read the text carefully !
                Mr. Gunawan is a bank manager. He works at Bank Guna  Daya. He goes to the bank by car every day.
                His wife is Mrs. Rianti. She is an English teacher. She work s at Putra Bangsa Elementary school. She goes there by motorcycle.
                Mr. Gunawan and Mrs. Rianti have 3 children. They are Eko, Ikha, and Arma. Eko is a junior high school student. He wants to be a pilot someday. Ikha and Arma are Elementary students. They want to be teachers like their mother.

Answer these question !
1.     What is Mr. Gunawan ?
2.     Where does Mrs.Rianti work ?
3.     What does Eko want to be ?
4.     What is Ikha ?

5.     What do Ikha and Arma wants to be ?


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